FinE Analytics
Software Development For The Financial Industry
Indicative Prices for Danish Mortgage Bonds V2
The purpose of this paper is to explain the reasoning and insight behind the calculation of Indicative Prices for Danish mortgage bonds
Indicative Prices for Danish Mortgage Bonds
The purpose of this paper is to explain the reasoning and insight behind the calculation of Indicative Prices for Danish mortgage bonds
Financial Risk, Past, Present
This presentation is a follow up on the presentation: “Financial Crisis of 2008″…
Modelling Danish Mortgage Bonds
The purpose of this paper is to explain the background behind the key-figures for the danish mortgage bonds that are calculated…
This presentation contains a short introduction to the concepts: Fragility and Anti-Fragility – ideas which original comes from…
Emperical Yieldcurve Dynamics
This paper has two objectives. First we will construct a general model for the variation in the term structure of interest rates…
CVA – A look vehind the scenes
This presentation discusses counterparty-risk in terms of CVA/DVA. This both from a practical angle and a more pricing theoretical…
Tail Risk 2
This presentation focuses on a practical example on the modelling of Tail-Risk for Danish Mortgage Bonds during the Financial…
Tail Risk 1
This presentation focus is the discussion of Tail-Risk, and which methods are available.
Modelling & Operational Risk
This presentation focuses on given an introduction to the modelling of Operationel Risk. Different Risk approaches to Operationel…
The Normal Class Of Arbitrage-free Spot-rate Models
In this paper we first show how to determine the T-forward adjusted risk-measure using the concept of fundamental solution to linear…
Realkreditrådgivning | Et nyt paradigme
Boligøkonomisk Videncenter i Realdania startede i maj 2010 et projekt om danskernes konvertering af realkreditlån i boligen…
The Financial Crisis and ERM
This presentation looks at the Financial Crisis of 2008, what failed and what to learn from it. A subtitle for this presentation could…
Risk Management – an Introduction
The purpose of this document is to give an introduction to Risk management seen in a broad perspective. That is we do not limit…
This presentation take a look at the new product from Realkredit Danmark, called RenteDykTM – also referred to as a One-Way-Floater…
This presentation gives a survey of Inflation-Linked Products. The presentation includes the following topics: Inflation-Linked…
Danish Mortgage Modeling in FinE
The purpose of this white-paper is to give an introduction to how FinE models prepayment behaviour.The paper is organized as…
Libor Model Simulation
The presentation gives a survey of the different methods/models that are available for the pricing of American/Bermudan options…
Term-structure dynamics and the determination of state-variables – a multi-factor approach
In this paper we extend the traditional approach in the literature that uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) when analyzing the dynamic in the yield-curve by…
A 3-factor model for the yield-curve dynamics – the case of stochastic spot-rate, market price of risk and volatility
This paper proposes a new 3-factor model for the dynamic in the yield-curve which belongs to the Affine class of term structure models. Using a yield-factor approach…
The Pricing Of Interest-rate Contingent Claims
The most important result in this working paper is the construction of a multidimensional Gaussian interest-rate term structure model…
Barbell-Strategies – revisited
The main purpose of this paper is to give a thorough explanation of three different Barbell strategies; Standard Barbells, Butterfly Barbells and Box Barbells…
Riskmetrics – En Diskussion, part 1
Med annonceringen af Riskmetrics-teknologien er det lykkedes J. P. Morgan at definere et “universalt” værktøj til beskrivelse af risiko på tværs af instrumenttyper…
Prisfastsættelse af obligationer i kontinuert tid
I dette arbejdspapir vil jeg foretage en analyse og en diskussion af en række af de kontinuerte modeller til prisfastsættelse af obligationer, der…
Arbitragefri modellering af rentestrukturdynamikken
Dette papir vil beskæftige sig med modellering af dynamikken i rentestrukturen med udgangspunkt i det framework, der er blevet udviklet af Heath…
Estimation af rentestrukturen – et implicit volatilitetsapproach
I dette papir vil jeg derfor foretage en nærmere analyse af fire forskellige kontinuerte rentestrukturmodeller. Disse fire modeller er Cox, Ingersoll og Ross (1985)…
Rentestrukturen og forventningshypoteserne
I dette arbejdspapir vil jeg analysere sammenhængen imellem de forskellige forventningshypoteser, der i tidens løb er blevet foreslået i litteraturen…
Estimation af rentestrukturen
Dette papir diskuterer udelukkende de teoretiske aspekter ved estimation af rentestrukturen og anviser kun en enkel fremgangsmåde måde…